A Technique Builder and Practice Primer for the Ups, Downs &  Sideways of the Chromatic Universe. For Improvisers of All Levels!

"C H R O M A T I X" (65 pages)

"Chromatix", focuses on the technique and improvisational usage of chromaticism (referring to the 12 note Chromatic Scale), and provides a window into the myriad combinations of lines and sequences that can be constructed with the close intervals of a minor and Major 2nd, as well as min. & Maj 3rds.

As a result, "Chromatix" is first and foremost, a collection of 50 technical exercises,designed to get into the "cracks and crevices" of your fingering technique - regardless of which instrument your chosen instrument.

Chromaticism (from the Greek word chrōmatikos - meaning "multicolored"), has been a part of the improviser's palette since Louis Armstrong introduced it in his early recorded solos from the 1920's.

Each of the fifty technical exercises & sequences which make up "Chromatix" uses various combinations of intervals, approach notes, enclosures & trichords, and are constructed as one or two measure phrases which ascend and / or descend in half or whole steps.

Most of the sequences cover the full normal range of the saxophone, but can be adapted to suit the range of any instrument, or whatever range is comfortable. Many of the exercises have one or two measure repeats, in order to focus on a particular tonal area.

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